Coffee Roaster Machinery

Coffee Roasting, Grinding, Blending and Sealing Machinery
Integral Engineering Coffee Roasters are professional roasters which excel in quality, appearance and functionalities. The high quality level in combination with the excellent service and constant availability of the support team, makes Integral Engineering Coffee Roasters into one of the top brands of coffee roasters. When delivered to the roaster in burlap sacks, the coffee bean ranges in color from light brown to whitish green to a lovely bluish, emerald green. The beans are always stored in their raw, or green, state. Roasted whole beans begin to deteriorate in flavor within days after roasting, and ground coffee may taste stale within an hour of grinding, whereas green coffee, stored in cool, dry, well-ventilated conditions, remains stable for years.

The exact nature of the equipment used to roast coffee depends on the ambitions of the roaster. Most large commercial roasters resemble a gigantic screw rotating inside a drum. The screw works the coffee down the drum; by the time the coffee reaches the end of the drum, it is roasted and ready to be cooled by air or water. The temperature is controlled automatically, and the roaster includes equipment that monitors both the air temperature and the temperature inside the moving mass of beans to monitor their progress. Such roasters are called continuous roasters for obvious reasons and are inappropriate for specialty coffee roasting because they cost too much, roast too much coffee at a time, and cannot be easily stopped to reload with new and different kinds of coffee.


Pneumatic Conveyor

Air Conveyor System / Pneumatic Conveyor

Coffee beans are being conveyed to roster hopper using pneumatic conveying.

Coffee Grinder

Coffee Roasting Machinery

Video Description


Mini Coffee Roaster Plant Machinery Catalogue

Coffee Powder Sealing Machinery

Packing and Sealing machinery – To pack the coffee powder


Coffee Packing & Sealing Machinery

Coffee Roast Style Chart

Integral Engineering
  • Integral Engineering is a leading manufacturer of processing machinery for coffee, Cocoa and other agricultural products like wheat, maize and Bajra and other grains.... <Read More>
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